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LA Legends Fest
Art Show
& Competition

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Sponsored by the Claiborne Parish Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.


Entry deadline October 18th. Drop off to First Baptist Church Family Life Center in Homer between 2-7pm. Completed form must be submitted with each entry.

Exhibition October 19th at First Baptist Church Family Life Center 9am until 5pm

Awards presentation October 19th at 12pm
Artwork pickup October 19th at 5pm


THEME: Louisiana Satisfies My Senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) Examples include sight/historic landmarks or city scapes; sound/musical artists or bird calls; smell/flowers or coffee; taste/various cuisines; touch/water or the fur of native animals of Louisiana. 

ENTRY FEE: $5 per entry. Payment can be made by cash or check. Checks made payable to Claiborne Parish DAR Chapter. Entry fees are nonrefundable. 

ELIGIBILITY: Contest open to all students grades K-12 and Adults of all ages.

AWARDS: Cash prizes will be awarded for Best of Show selected from all entries received. Each age division will be awarded a First Place,

Second Place, and Third Place.

Best of Show $100
First Place $50

Second Place $25
Third Place $15

ART WORK: All 2D artworks accepted. All work must be matted on black paper/cardstock/posterboard unless the work is on a canvas. All work must have the artist’s name, and contact info on the back.. Pieces must be an original work created within the last year. Judges and show chairpersons have final authority to define what is an acceptable entry.

SALES: Sales are encouraged. All works NOT FOR SALE must be clearly marked NFS. A commission of 10% will be charged on all works sold as a result of the exhibition and will be given to the Claiborne Parish DAR Chapter.

DELIVERY AND PICK-UP: Works must be delivered to the First Baptist Church Family Life Center in Homer, LA on Friday, October 18th between 2-6pm and picked up the following day from 4-5pm. Artists are responsible for the delivery and pick up of all work. 

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